Residual Volume Training for Freediving

Residual Volume Training for Freediving

Residual Volume Training for Freediving – what is it and how it can greatly improve your freediving?

My personal experience is most training agencies/instructors complicate, and in most instances overwhelm, recreational freediving to the point that most discontinue pursuing the past time for any length of time due to the perceived investment of time and energy to become proficient in freediving.

I reached out to Aharon Solomons, who is arguably the world’s foremost trainers for elite competitive freedivers as well as personal friend and mentor.

Aharon and I spoke via Skype and I described to him what I was doing for all of the so called “typical” training techniques I had searched for on YouTube and via web search. This includes doing a great deal of high intensity cardio, weight training, Apnea walking with breath hold squats, taking as much as 2 -3 hours out of my day. I asked him why I wasn’t progressing like I thought I should be. He firmly but with a certain level of kindness, chastised me for over complicating my own training and the goals I have set for my own freediving.

Aharon has posted an in-depth video on YouTube discussing the skill/technique of Residual Volume Freedive Training. Given most recreational freedivers don’t aspire to go deeper than 20 meters, I’m posting part one of his two part video series on Residual Volume Freedive Training which goes into some fairly technical detail around this uncomplicated, yet highly effective technique for building comfort underwater while in a state of Apnea.

Since my primary passion is producing underwater photos and video while freediving, I don’t think I need to do my content acquisition past 20 meters (and typically will be diving to 10 meters for the majority of that content).

I recommend watching the 25 minute video below and taking notes as it is well worth learning from the information provided. If you have specific questions, I can provide customized consulting to help you begin the process for this training technique. Use my contact page to inquire.

(If you can’t see the video embedded, here’s the direct link to the video on YouTube)

Aharon Solomons video on Residual Volume Freedive Training